Friday, October 19, 2012

To my love

My alarm sings, “Another One Bites the Dust,” for about 10 seconds before my mind becomes aware of a newly forming bruise from my sweet heart.  Okay this wasn’t this morning, but it is many and for all those that have to deal with a spouse that can’t awake even if the building was crumbling to the ground around the plush bed, my wife sympathizes for you.  Actually I should be the one sympathizing for those that wake up with bruises due to their inability to escape the dreams of a soft pillow.  I don’t sympathize with those that wake up with bruises, behind the steering wheel of the car (trying to determine if it is even theirs) after their last purchase on Black Friday; honestly you shouldn’t of stayed in that line, outside Best Buy, with the crazy haired, lunatics that leave their house twice a year (the other being the 4th of July when they get to blow up what they bought last November), for the 64 inch 3-D television that will probably be extinct in two years anyway, just in time for you to spend a night outside for another.  Yes I've done that; well I guess not for a 64 inch T.V. actually just to say in the future that I've done that...pathetic.

Okay so this blog isn’t about the pains of an unconscious mind struggling through the first waking moments of a bitter/sweet new day.  Actually, it is more on the romantic side.  You see this is the 19th of October…or at least it is on the West Coast.  What’s the significance of that, honestly I have no idea, however it does seem like a great time to talk about Her.  Oh yes that one with the capital H.  Not Tonya Harding, even though my wife learned today that she learned how to skate at the ice rink located at the Lloyd Center in Portland.  No this is about my wife.  You see this person is truly the love of my life.  Indeed you can toss out the Math books, throw away the pension plans (of course with our society that is already happening), and yes even get rid of all my video games; because none of that compares to the beauty that is in my life.

I have been reflecting on the joy…and bruises…(okay so I really have never received a bruise from her in my life, please don’t be contacting the battered husband hotline in my behalf) this evening.  She is out spending some quality time with friends, at a fitness camp thing (whatever happened to just going to the movies), this evening and my daughters are out with their Aunt and Uncle…thus in the silence of my home my thoughts wander to her.  Each of you should be envious.  This woman is worth more than the fracking oil from North Dakota (I just wanted to use that word outside Battlestar and almost in a correct sentence).  She is so caring and considerate to me and for some odd reason loves me for who I am and not for how many Big Macs I can bench press (about 470 by the way).  Most of all she loves our children and loves to teach them right and wrong.  She really is truly the one for me and will be forever.  And for that I post my love for her.


  1. Awww. ..that is so sweet. she really is amazing! aren't you so jealous that I get to snuggle her tonight? ;)

  2. Those were supposed to be a bunch of hearts and kissy emoticons.
