Sunday, June 10, 2012

At my wife's request

Apparently I'm supposed to inform my wife that I have a blog.  She also stated that I'm supposed to update it. So that is what I'm doing ☺.

Last Sunday, June 3, I went to my cousin's wedding.  It was nice and quite interesting.  The ceremony took place at the Mystic Theatre in Petaluma CA.   I helped setup a little in the morning.  It was fun, working with Frank.  He was always thinking of about ten things at once...a little like me and also my youngest daughter.  He speaks our language.  The ceremony went well.  During the ceremony, Ben's (the groom's) Father (who was performing the ceremony) was asking Ben to repeat the vows...there was a point where he got choked up and stated Sorry...Ben repeated Sorry.  It was a tad funny.  Afterward the girls and I danced a little.  They chose to play a movie after the ceremony, but before the dancing.  Ironically the movie chosen was a TV series called "The Prisoner."  I guess now, that I know my wife is probably going to read this I better refrain from stating any additional comments.

On Monday, Memorial Day (5/28/2012) my wife and I decided to make some freezer dinners. I wanted to try a vegetable slicer that hadn't been used before to cut the onions. Prior to beginning this process I noticed an object that appeared to be applicable to the slicer but I didn't really know what to use it for. While cutting the onions I thought to myself, "this seems a little dangerous," but I just plowed on trying to get my task done. At onion number two I became a little less careful with the slicer and my fingernail got scraped off by the blade. After putting on a band aide I finally figured out that the purpose of the object, that I had quickly ignored, was for the safety of my fingers. Not only did it make my task easier but it protected me from the blades.  Similar to all the commandments...not that I don't know what they are for...but obeying them will keep me from the blades of life and of sin.

At the beginning of last month,  I went out of my comfort zone a little...more into my wife's zone.  On my commute home, May 2, there were these twenty-something going on pure foolish preadolescence guys on the train.  They kept swearing and just being loud.  At one point a lady, maybe late teens or early twenties, on the train told them to "Shut up."  So what did they do, started making comments about her and that she was this and that...not very nice.  Finally I spoke up and they got kicked off the train.  I don't usually do that.  I usually block the world out around me, especially in this case when I had a Math book on my lap.  But I had to speak up.  I recalled almost eight years ago when my wife (possibly we were engaged) and I were driving to the Nuthouse (a restaurant not because I had escaped and she was taking me back) some guy was tailing me and finally pulled into the parking lot to yell me out.  He said I was going too slow; the speedometer was broken on the car.  I was going to ignore him, but Tif had to yell back at him.  Apparently she intimidated him because he left with a two inch ego and his grape sized brain.  That was the me that did not talk back and now I speak my mind...on occasion.

Of course I speak my mind around Tif's grandpa and then stand back watching my brother-in-law and him duke it out over a conversation I started.  There are many other times that I open my mouth to say something, but get jabbed in the ribs by Tif (whether at a family gathering or church).  That's why I love her she keeps me in check.

Anyway going any further back then May will be a struggle.  It has been a difficult year with exams, but I'm making it through it.  

Today I was asked why I looked so happy...did I graduate or something.  I said yes.  He asked oh with a Master's degree.  You see I thought he was referring to church leadership...I got released two weeks ago so it seemed like a graduation of sorts.  Now I'm the humble home teacher and Gospel Doctrine Student.  In fact with my exam process I won't be graduating for at least three more years.


  1. Glad you're gives me insights to you and your thoughts that I don't always see. Laters, Baby.

  2. Haha...that part about letting grandpa duke it out with your brother in law made me laugh!
